Fürsorge für Mama und Baby: Windeldermatitis und Wundheilung von Geburtsverletzungen

Caring for Mom and Baby: Diaper Dermatitis and Wound Healing from Birth Injuries

Diaper dermatitis - a well-known and feared problem for many parents. Almost every baby suffers from this unpleasant rash in the diaper area at some point, which often leads to painful skin irritations and can be stressful for both the little ones and their parents. But don't worry, because with the right knowledge and targeted measures, diaper dermatitis can be effectively prevented and treated.

But it is not only babies who need special care. Many mothers also suffer from birth injuries such as perineal tears or incisions, which must be treated carefully.

In our blog post, you will learn what diaper rash is exactly, what causes it and how you can best care for your baby's delicate skin to avoid inflammation and promote healing. You will also learn how you can support the healing of birth wounds and relieve discomfort. We share tried and tested tips and tricks so that both you and your baby can feel good again.

What is diaper rash?

Diaper dermatitis, also known as diaper rash or colloquially as a "sore bottom", is an inflammatory skin reaction in the diaper area that often occurs in babies and toddlers. Up to 35% of all babies and toddlers suffer from reddening and irritation of the diaper area once or more during their diaper period. Babies aged 9-12 months are most affected. It is usually caused by a combination of moisture, friction and enzymatic activity of urine and stool. These factors lead to damage to the skin barrier and encourage the penetration of microorganisms such as yeast and bacteria. The tender baby bottom then quickly becomes a reddened area of ​​skin that can even result in bloody spots, pustules and fungal infections. The affected babies and toddlers suffer from severe itching and even extreme sore pain. The parents also suffer enormously psychologically from this stress. Due to the high number of babies suffering from it, diaper dermatitis is a widespread disease.

causes and origins

The main causes of diaper dermatitis or inflammation of the skin in the diaper area are:

  • Warm, humid climate : The diaper creates a warm, humid environment that softens the skin and makes it more susceptible to friction and injuries.
  • Urine and stool : The enzymes and ammonia contained in urine irritate the skin and increase the pH value, which weakens the skin barrier.
  • Infrequent diaper changes : Longer retention of excretions on the skin promotes the development of skin irritations.
  • Aggressive stool composition : Especially during teething or when changing diet, the stool can be more aggressive and irritate the skin more.
  • Contact allergies : Intolerances to ingredients in diapers or care products can also lead to diaper dermatitis.

Course and clinical picture

In most cases, the inflammation of the skin begins with redness in the buttocks area. This often spreads very quickly to the genital area. In some cases, reddened, sore and open areas extend to the thighs and stomach. If weeping pustules, pimples and/or flaky skin form, it is usually a bacterial or fungal infection. Diaper dermatitis can quickly develop into diaper rash. This term is used to describe the unpleasant fungal infection caused by the yeast Candida albicans. The weakened skin barrier and the warm, moist diaper climate make it particularly easy for pathogens to penetrate the skin.

The pathophysiology of diaper dermatitis is complex and involves several factors. Moisture and friction in combination with enzymatic and bacterial activity in urine and stool can lead to damage to the skin barrier. This promotes the penetration of irritating substances and pathogenic microorganisms, which leads to an inflammatory reaction and skin irritation. The clinical manifestations of diaper dermatitis include redness, swelling, blistering, erosions and pain in the diaper area. In more severe cases, infections of the affected skin areas can occur. The inflammation usually occurs in the entire diaper area, is not clearly defined and is more common in the area of ​​the bottom, inner thighs and genital area. Vesicles, pustules, papules, nodules, pustules, bloody spots, weeping erosions and rhagadiform skin changes can also occur.

Special Features of Baby Skin

Human skin is completely formed at birth. This is also the reason why the skin surface of babies and small children is two and a half to three times as large as that of adults. However, the development of the skin in an infant is not genetically fully mature until around 10 months. As a result, the cohesion of the epidermis (top layer of skin) and the dermis (leather skin) is still very weak, which is why blisters can form more quickly. The following characteristics make them particularly susceptible:

  • Thin stratum corneum : The outermost layer of the epidermis is thinner and contains fewer lipids, making it more vulnerable to injury and infection.
  • Weak skin barrier : The connections between the epidermis and dermis are still weak, which promotes blistering.
  • Immature sweat glands : The ability to thermoregulate and secrete sweat is not yet fully developed.
  • High water loss : Babies lose a lot of water through their skin, making them drier and more prone to inflammation.
  • Incomplete acid mantle : The acid mantle, which protects against microorganisms, is only fully developed after about 6 months.

All of this means that the barrier function of the skin of small children is not very well developed and therefore cannot provide sufficient protection against infections caused by bacteria, viruses or fungi. In the diaper area, incontinence, which is common in babies, leads to wound problems.

Why does baby skin heal faster?

Due to the relatively large skin surface of infants and small children, many active ingredients that are absorbed through the skin can reach the relevant blood level more quickly than in adult skin. In addition, the faster provision of fibroblasts means that collagen, which plays a key role in the structure of the skin, is formed more quickly, and granulation tissue, which acts as temporary tissue during wound healing and prevents the formation of new blood vessels, is formed more quickly.

What should be taken into account when it comes to wound healing in small children?

When treating wounds in babies and small children, special aspects should be taken into account, as most wound care products were developed for adults and children's skin should be exposed to as few substances as possible. Skin care products should also contain a low proportion of emulsifiers and preservatives. Substances such as dyes, fragrances, lanolin and Peru balsam can also cause skin irritation. As a precaution, care products such as creams should first be tested on a small area of ​​skin before they are applied to a large area. Wound dressings such as plasters with adhesive or tape lead to the epidermis of this easily injured skin being torn off when they are removed. Millis wound protection pads are a better alternative here, as they do not stick and can be easily removed from the skin without tearing the epidermis.

What to do about diaper rash?

Prevention and treatment of diaper rash focuses on maintaining a dry and clean diaper environment, changing diapers regularly, and gently cleansing the skin. In more severe cases, medication may be required to control infection and reduce inflammation. In any case, the diaper area should first be gently and hygienically cleaned and dried. It is especially important to keep the bottom dry, ideally by changing diapers frequently or going diaper-free so that as much air and light as possible can reach the bottom. However, many parents do not have the time to wait for light and air to heal the skin on its own for this solution. Therefore, many turn to creams, ointments, or other products designed to help the skin heal. Ointments containing dexpanthenol or zinc should only be administered for a certain period of time and, although they promote healing, have an oily effect on fungal infections and thus promote them. The use of powder should also be reconsidered - this was often used for sore bottoms in the past, but today it is clear that baby powder binds moisture, but sticks and forms clumps that cause friction on the skin in the diaper and put additional strain on it. In addition, cleaning should be as gentle but thorough as possible. Care products with fragrances, colorants, or alcohol additives or other irritating substances should be avoided. Instead of just water, oil can also be used to clean the diaper area, as this gently removes stool and urine from the diaper area. When using wet wipes, care should be taken to ensure that they do not contain fragrances or other irritating additives such as alcohol or colorants. Sitz baths are also a pleasant option, which, depending on the additive, can provide relief and are relaxing for the baby. If there is no improvement and open or bloody areas develop, a doctor should be consulted in any case.

wound healing of birth sutures

Birth injuries such as perineal tears or episiotomies are common complications during vaginal delivery. These wounds require special care to support healing and prevent infection.

Types of Birth Injuries

  1. Perineal tear : A tear in the area between the vagina and the anus that can occur in varying degrees of severity (grades 1 to 4). During childbirth, tears in the vaginal mucosa and other tissue layers may occur.
  2. Episiotomy : A targeted cut made by the midwife or doctor to widen the birth canal and facilitate childbirth. According to current guidelines, this cut may only be performed if there is a clear medical need.
  3. Vaginal fissures : Tears in the vaginal wall or labia.
  4. Labia tears : injuries to the labia.

Tips for caring for birth stitches:

  • Hygiene : Regularly clean the wound area with clean water or antiseptic solutions. Avoid aggressive soaps or cleaning products.
  • Air drying : Allow the area to air dry or pat it gently with a soft towel.
  • Sitz baths : Warm sitz baths or disinfectant additives can have a calming effect and promote healing.
  • Cooling : Cooling the area with ice packs (wrapped in a cloth) can reduce swelling and pain.
  • Comfortable clothing : Wear soft, loose clothing and cotton underwear to avoid friction and improve air circulation.
  • Rest : Avoid strenuous physical activity and sitting for long periods of time to avoid disrupting the healing process. Lifting heavy objects should also be avoided.
  • Wound protection: Wound protection pads such as Millis create an optimal wound climate and are dry when applied. The particularly soft and skin-friendly hydrofiber prevents friction and there is no unnecessary strain. The pad does not stick to the wound area and epilated tissue is therefore not torn off when changing.
  • Follow-up examinations : Regular follow-up examinations with your doctor are important to monitor the healing process and detect possible complications at an early stage.

Preventive measures to promote wound healing

In addition to direct wound care, preventive measures can also support healing. A balanced diet rich in vitamins and minerals, especially vitamin C and zinc, supports wound healing. Adequate fluid intake keeps the tissue moist and promotes healing. Light physical activity such as walking can promote blood circulation and support healing, but should only be undertaken after consulting a doctor. Gentle pelvic floor exercises can support healing and strengthen the muscles, but should only be started once the wound has completely healed.

How Millis helps

Millis is a nourishing diaper rash pad that contains natural, skin-care ingredients and has a soothing effect on sore bottoms in cases of diaper rash. The diaper pad is dry and particularly soft, meaning it does not cause any additional stress from moisture or unnecessary strain. Millis is made from a material that is already used in many other baby hygiene products and, thanks to the Oeko-Tex 100 standard, is not only safe, but also particularly kind to baby skin. Its effectiveness has been clinically proven and its compatibility has been dermatologically confirmed with a "very good" rating. The active ingredients aloe vera, ubiquinone and almond oil are applied to the pad in the form of tiny capsules. When changing a diaper, Millis is placed on the affected area of ​​the sore, freshly cleaned bottom and gently pressed into the crack of the buttocks for better hold. The fresh diaper is then closed as usual and you're done. The capsules burst when the baby comes into contact with the skin and moves, gradually releasing the active ingredients that act on the sore bottom for many hours. The insert therefore helps to regenerate the baby's irritated skin while the baby is wearing a diaper. On average, a baby moves twice as much as an adult when sleeping, which is why the Millis are perfect for use overnight. Thanks to the simple, uncomplicated application, the affected areas are not unnecessarily irritated or strained by rubbing. Urine can pass through the insert and is thus kept away from the irritated area.


Diaper rash is a common challenge for parents and babies, but it can be effectively treated with the right measures. A clean and dry diaper environment, regular diaper changes and gentle skin care are crucial to protect baby's delicate skin. Milli's Magic Wipes offer additional support by promoting healing and soothing irritated skin. However, in persistent or severe cases, a doctor should always be consulted to ensure specific treatment.

It is also important for moms to take proper care of birth injuries to encourage quick healing. Regular cleaning, air drying and gentle care are key. By addressing the specific needs of baby skin and your own healing and using proven prevention strategies, you can provide quick relief for both your baby and yourself. This way, you can enjoy the precious time with your newborn without having to worry about skin problems.

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