Millis in the media

Millis Zaubertücher - Die innovative Revolution gegen Windeldermatitis und wunde Babypopos

We work together and still love each other

Yeah! We are now certified according to ISO 9001

The magic wipes

Our values

A lion deal for Millis

Update after DHDL

A new milestone: cooperation with the Asklepios Clinic North


Millis enchants the media


Parents do everything for their children. Ideally, they would like to keep all pain away. But there are some problems that can not be easily combated until now. Among them is diaper dermatitis and is also called sore bottom.

Die WELT - Family luck

A revolution in baby care: the nurturing wound protection pads from the founding couple Kristina and Patrick Vock.

Hamburger Abendblatt

Miracle baby bottom? Magic cloths from Kaltenkirchen help out. How a miraculous baby's bottom led to the founding of a start-up company

Südwest Presse

This is how it went on with Millis after the show


Investor frustration on "The Lion's Den


After TV appearance: huge rush for Milli's magic scarves.