Millis fairy tale

Milli's fairy tale
The Princess, the Prince and the Magic Cloth
Once upon a time, there lived a princess named Mia and a prince named Mika in the kingdom of Milaras.

They lived happily with their parents, the king and queen of Milaras in a large castle in the center of the kingdom. The people loved the royal family and adored the little princess and the little prince.
But on the outskirts of the kingdom, an old dragon named Wudernop lived in his lair. "When there were no humans, this was all mine.", the dragon sighed. Back then, thousands of years ago, Wudernop still ruled over what is now Milaras, until a few wanderers settled on the land and forced the dragon and his family to retreat to the caves in the mountains. Since then, Wudernop has hardly seen his family. Every day he thought about how he could reconquer his former kingdom and drive the people out of the country.
So the dragon hatched a plan. "I'll just scare the residents with my dragon fire so much that they wouldn't want to live here anymore.", he thought to himself and made the decision to put his plan into action on the next full moon night.

As soon as the next full moon broke, Wudernop made his way to the castle. "It's best to start in the castle so people can still escape," he said to himself as he flew through the air. Actually, the dragon didn't want to do any harm, he just wanted to get back what was his and retire there.
Arriving at the castle, the dragon looked around. He entered the princess and prince's bedroom and took a deep breath to spit his fire.
Then the king and queen came into the room and tried at the last moment to save Mia and Mika from the flames of the fire-breathing dragon. They grabbed the children and ran out of the room, but they didn't make it in time because the dragon's flames caught the prince and princess' bottoms of all places at the last moment.

"Oh no!" exclaimed the Queen. Mia and Mika started crying.
The king and queen ran out of the castle to get themselves and their children to safety. As soon as they left the castle, the dragon flew after them.
But suddenly a bright light appeared and stood between the dragon and the royal couple. It was the sorceress Millis! “Stop, dragon! Why are you bringing destruction to our country? Go back to where you came from!” the sorceress called to Wudernop. “No, this is my kingdom, I'm just taking back what's mine. The people should get out of here.”, the dragon said and let out another flame in the direction of the starry sky.
Millis then raised her wand and cast a spell on the dragon. "Now you can no longer spit fire and do no more harm," she said, "but we can surely find a peaceful solution for this kingdom that is also fair to you, dragon, can't we, king and queen?".
"Yes Wudernop, you are welcome to live here with us, but please do not drive us and our people out of this country, we like living here and we like to share it with you," said the queen to the dragon. Wudernop bowed his head. “I didn't want to hurt anyone, I just wanted to go back to my homeland. If you take me here, I'll be happy to stay and I promise not to hurt anyone," he said.
"Well, then we have an agreement," said the Queen, "but what about our prince and princess? Her bottoms are now all sore from your flames and we don't know what to do about it. "Don't worry," Millis said, "I know what helps. Here, take my Millis Magic Cloth and put it on the sore spot." She conjured up two delicate cloths that looked like white, radiant drops and let them float on the bottoms of the two children.
Immediately Mia and Mika stopped crying. The magic sheet helped and eased her pain instantly. The children beamed with joy, rushed to the sorceress and hugged her long and tight. "Thank you, thank you, thank you Millis, you are our savior!" they cheered. "Thank you very much, dear Millis!", The royal couple also thanked them, "If you want to move into our castle, you can always conjure up a magic cloth for our prince and princess when they need it." , they asked Millis. "Oh yes!" the children cried in unison. The sorceress was delighted. "I'd love to!", she said, "I like to be where I'm needed most."
Together with Millis and Wudernop, the royal family went back to the castle.

And so Mia, Mika, the queen and the king lived with the sorceress Millis and the dragon Wudernop in their common kingdom.

And they all lived happily everafter.

Illustrations by Anna Lukossek, text by Marie Hennschen