
Bonding - the most important facts at a glance

How to promote bonding with your baby

Bonding is invaluable, especially in the first years of your child's life. These bonds form the basis for your child's emotional and social well-being. Midwife Meike and founder of myEphelia explains why bonding is so important and gives practical tips for everyday life.

Why is bonding so important?

Bonding is key to your child's healthy emotional and social development. The first years of life are crucial for forming bonds that lay the foundation for trust and security. Strong bonding promotes self-confidence, empathy and the ability to build healthy relationships with other people.

Positive Effects of Bonding

Immediately after birth, the first skin-to-skin contact between mother and baby is particularly important. This immediate contact intensifies bonding and has numerous positive effects for both: It is important that this is bare skin-to-skin contact.

  1. Promote milk flow: Skin-to-skin contact can increase breast milk production and make breastfeeding easier.
  2. Strengthening the bond: This early contact gives the baby a feeling of security and safety, which strengthens the emotional bond with the mother.
  3. Improving motor skills: Close physical contact promotes the baby's motor development as it is stimulated by touch and movement.
  4. Health benefits for the baby: Skin-to-skin contact helps stabilize the newborn's body temperature and blood sugar, reduces stress, and can regulate breathing.
  5. Health benefits for the mother: Direct contact promotes the release of oxytocin, which supports uterine contractions and speeds up involution. It also helps prevent postpartum depression and strengthens the mother-child bond.

Tips and Tricks for Successful Bonding

  1. Physical contact and closeness: Hold your baby in your arms as often as possible, carry it in a sling or simply keep it close to you. A bonding top supports you in this by gently wrapping the baby and providing a safe boundary. The close physical contact promotes a feeling of security and safety.
  2. Eye contact and communication: Look into your baby's eyes and speak gently to him. Even if your baby cannot speak yet, he will understand the emotional message and feel connected.
  3. Breastfeeding and feeding: These moments provide a wonderful opportunity for bonding. Take time to enjoy the moment and make your baby feel loved and cared for.
  4. Bonding bath: A bonding bath can be very intensive and recommended, especially after a stressful or traumatic birth. It helps the baby to calm down and feel safe. Experiences of the mother and child can be released and processed.
  5. Play together: Games are not only fun, but they're also a great way to build a close bond. Sit on the floor with your child and play age-appropriate games that stimulate the senses and encourage development.
  6. Rituals and routines: Fixed rituals and routines give your child structure and security. A shared bedtime ritual or a daily walk can work wonders for bonding.
  7. Patience and attention: Be patient and attentive. Every child is unique and develops at their own pace. Show interest in the small progress and celebrate every success together.

bonding in the family

Bonding is not only important between mother and baby. Fathers and siblings should also be actively involved in the bonding process:

  • Fathers: Fathers can build a close bond with their baby through skin-to-skin contact, playing together and daily rituals. This not only strengthens the father-child relationship, but also relieves the mother.
  • Siblings: Older siblings should also be encouraged to spend time with the new family member. Shared activities, cuddle times and involving siblings in caring for the baby promote a strong bond and reduce jealousy


Bonding with babies and toddlers is invaluable for their emotional and social development. With simple means, you can build a strong and loving bond with your child. Invest in these precious moments and lay the foundation for a happy and healthy life for your child.

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